10 February 2021

A lighting fixture for Airshelters

When we were young, and chosen for military service, we set up bow tents. An Alu palisade with sail; it took quite some time to set up. Today, fortunately, there are Airshelters; durable, easy to use and quick to deploy. It stands in about 2 minutes, watch a video of the set up below.


Hazmeds in Uden is the representative of the from America originating: Zumro. The airshelters are used in Defense, but also in hospitals. Hay Geurts of Hazmeds came to us, asking about a lamp with red light. Red light is less visible from a distance by the “enemy. We came upon Setolite’s Multicolour; a lighting fixture, which features a light source, with which ‘all’ colors can be made.

In addition, these colors can be dimmed, using a remote control. Includes preset/default settings so the desired color level and brightness can always be recalled.

A solid and reliable solution, in those specific cases, where a mix of quality and responsiveness to practical circumstances is a rock-solid necessity.


A great collaboration that we are proud of.



Hazmeds Airshelters


Lighting fixture: Setolite Multicolour


Lighting fixture: Setolite Multicolour

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